Our analyzer is specifically designed for precise and fast determination of a range of important values in arterial blood of patients, including the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide, ion concentration of electrolyte, glucose and lactate concentration, pH, and Hct. The sensor system of our analyzer integrates micro electrode technology
Features :
- Large 12.1 inches color LCD touch screen with ample data storage space
- Multi-specification reagent packs (50 testes/pack-1200 tests/pack): stored at room temperature for 9 months, valid for up to 45 days on-board.
- Integrated flush solution pack to avoid biological pollution and without waste till used up.
- Automatic sample aspiration and sample needle cleaning, support capillary, arterial blood syringe. Test tube, etc.
- Sample analysis speed~60s (with Lac/Glu <90z), blood volume for the whole parameters <170ul.
- Built-in-multi-level quality control rules, quality control charts, quality control data, printable and exportable.
- Support bi-direction LIS, built-in WiFi, 4G, and remote maintenance system.
- Built-in 2D barcode scanner and thermal printer, support external USB printer.
- Built-in UPS, optional trolley and external large-capacity UPS.
Technical specifications :
- Sample type : Whole Blood, Arterial Blood, Venous Blood, Serum, Plasma, CSF
- Parameters : pH, pO2, pCO2, Hct, K+, Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, Glu, Lac
Arteriovenous combination calculation parameters
ScvO2, pCO2(gap), CaO2, CvO2, CaCO2, CvCO2, SaO2, SvO2, VO2, VCO2
Test Parameters For below models :
LD1070 |
pH, pO2, pCO2, Hct, K+, Na+, Cl , Ca2+ |
LD1070A |
pH, pO2, pCO2, Hct |
LD1070B |
pH, pO2, pCO2, Hct, Glu, Lac |
LD1070E |
pH, pO2, pCO2, Hct, K+, Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, Glu, Lac |
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